Play a Critical Role in the Future of Theatre in Wichita
Gifts to Music Theatre Wichita can be made through a Donor Advised Fund, either by using the form above, or by contacting your DAF Administrator directly.
Music Theatre Wichita’s EIN is 48-0785658.
Music Theatre Wichita’s mailing address is:
225 W. Douglas, Suite 202
Wichita, KS 67202
The support of our donors fuels the musical theatre magic you see unfold on stage every summer! Thank you for considering a gift which makes a profound impact on Music Theatre Wichita’s ability to continue to produce top-flight entertainment for Wichita audiences, and continue to expand unparalleled educational opportunities.
Other ways to give
Estate gifts: Please visit our Planned Giving page for more information about how to begin your legacy with MTWichita.
Qualified Charitable Distributions: For those who are at least 70 1/2 years old and have a traditional IRA, a donation can be made directly from your IRA to Music Theatre Wichita. This donation can qualify as part or all of your annual minimum distribution, reducing your gross income for tax purposes. To learn more about making a Qualified Charitable Distribution, speak with your tax professional today.
Gifts of stock: MTWichita is happy to accept gifts of stock at any time. Upon receipt, MTWichita will immediately sell stock gifts, and retain the value as a contribution to either the Annual Fund or the Wayne Bryan Endowment Fund, as designated by the giver.
For questions or to learn more about how your gift can make an impact, contact MTWichita Development Manager, Carter Tholl, at 316-261-3812 or