


The Wayne Bryan Endowment Fund

Nearly two decades ago, MTWichita board members and a group of passionate community leaders came together to establish an endowment for Music Theatre Wichita. While the principal of that fund has never been touched, its earnings provide an important revenue stream for the organization each year—helping hire fantastic talent on and offstage and provide unparalleled educational opportunities for young people throughout the Midwest. 

In the winter of 2019, the MTWichita board of directors voted unanimously to rename the fund in honor of Wayne Bryan as a permanent reminder of his 34 years as a driving force behind MTWichita’s growth and success.

Want to know how you can help? Contact MTWichita Development Manager Carter Tholl at 316.261.3812 or carter@mtwichita.org.

Multi-year Gift Pledges

Want to make a multi-year gift to the Wayne Bryan Endowment Fund? Fill out this pledge form to inform us of your intentions.

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